HSH Slogan-Eng-WEB
Contact Us

Badhuiskade 8, 2586 EM Scheveningen
Monday-Thursday 09:00-15:00 o’clock
Outside these hours by appointment only

Office : 0031 (0)70 2205081
mo-thu 09:00-15:00 hours

In case all lines are busy, please leave a message with your telephone number so we can call you back; or send us an email.


You can reach us:
by bus 22 or tram 1. They stop opposite our office.
The stops of Bus 21, 23 and tram 9 and 11 are within 5 to 10 minutes walking distance.

Route to:  Badhuiskade 8, 2586 EM Den Haag
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U can register yourself as home-seeker with a special form.
You can download this form here.